Clifton Homesley started practicing law in Mooresville in 1986 and one of his first clients was Bill Simpson. That they are still friends says quite a bit about Homesley’s character.
That was Homesley’s first foray into motorsports, and he hasn’t stopped since. His five-attorney firm realizes 35 percent of its business from motorsports. He describes his firm as a “broad general practice” that includes estate planning and family law, both used extensively by the motorsports community.
He and partner Andrew Wingo are involved in TRAC (The Racers Attorney Conference), which brings lawyers from North Carolina and Indiana together once a year. Homesley presented at the conference last year on collections using orders of attachment, a process he’s unfortunately had to use in his current practice. He allows the best way to get payment is to seize property after the car has qualified.
Homesley & Wingo are also active in the Mooresville community and annually host the Blues and Burritos, which this year is Sept. 21 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the front lawn of the law practice at 330 So. Main Street in Mooresville. It’s a fundraiser that has raised more than $50,000 for local charities over the years.
Homesley sees some small businesses in motorsports and elsewhere struggling with wage and hour penalties and understanding employment law. He also counsels folks to be wary of folks who want to pay in cash. He can explain all that to you if you are interested. Visit Homesley & Wingo here.
Thanks to Clifton Homesley, Office Manager Kristin Vogel and Andrew Wingo for their time.
Corinne Economaki